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PLEASE NOTE: The landscape of insututions in the nineteenth and early twentieth cetury was a very complex one and the organisations responsible for these institutions constantly changed (or their names changed). The details given here can be a guide only and cannot be taken as hard fact without further research.
We tend to think of asylums as places where people with mental illness are sent. In the nineteenth century the term was used much more broadly suggesting a general residential institution such as a children's home or orphanage.
Birmingham Diocesan Rescue Society
This Catholic organisation was founded in 1902 and is now known as Father Hudson's Society or Father Hudson's Care/ Still in existence today, their website is: www.fatherhudsons.org.uk
Catholic Protection and Rescue Society (also known as the Catholic Protection and Rescue Society for orphans and homeless children)
Based in the Diocese of Salford, this was founded in 1886 by Bishop Vaughn (1872-1892). In 2010, this organisation became part of Caritas Diocese of Salford: www.caritassalford.org.uk
Another name for tuberculosis or TB.
Cottage Homes
The cottage homes were built by Poor Law Unions as children's homes to take children out of the workhouse.
These were established in the 19th century as small local, often rural, hospitals which achieved funding through Poor Law legislation or local philanthropists to provide care for those who otherwise could not afford it.
This was established in 1859 and set up its first two homes in that year - St Mary's for girls in Walthamstow and St Vincent's in Hammersmith for boys. In 1985, the Crusade of Rescue became the Catholic Children’s Society (Westminster) which is still functioning today.
Farm Schools
Farm schools were generally used for training children in farming skills - a working farm on which the children could do their learning while themselves working. They were generally a form of industrial school or reformatory (see below).
Father Berry's Homes for Friendless Catholic Children
Under the Liverpool Catholic Children's Protection Society (founded 1881), Father John Berry set up his first home in 1892 - St Phlips on Marble Street. He then took over a home in Shaw Street called St Vincent de Paul's House. Other homes on Shaw Street followed. Due to ill-health, he had to leave Liverpool in 1897 and the Society changed its name to Homes for Catholic Friendless Youths (Father Berry's Homes) and went on to open two homes in Canada for emigrated children - St. George's Home for Boys, Ottawa and St. Vincent's Home for Girls, Montreal.
In the 19th century, this was thought of as a medical term which meant that the oerson had some form of mental impairment - perhaps a learning disability or a mental illness. The British government's Royal Commission on the Care and Control of the Feeble-Minded (1904–1908), in its Report in 1908 defined the feeble-minded as:
Fevers such as small pox and typhus were a massive problem in 19th century London, so much so that fever hispitals were estaboushed (through donations from benefactors to keep people with such infectious diseases all in one place - away from other hospitals and the workhouses where the infections may spread. Fever hospitals were also known as isolation hospitals.
Some early children's homes were called hospitals. They were not hospitals as we think of them but were more like what we understand as orphanages.
Directly translated from the French, this means hostel of God. They were established by the Catholic church as hospitals for the poor.
An institution for 'fallen women', primarily women who were pregnant and not married. They were Anglican organisations set up in the latter part of nineteenth century.
International Catholic Society for Protecting Girls (also known as the International Catholic Association of Organisations for the Protection of Girls)
Liverpool Catholic Reformatory Association
This was set up in 1863 to fund and manager reform schools. The first reform school it took on was the Ship Reformatory for boys in an fomer warship, the Clarence. This ran until it burnt down in 1899. In 1940, the Association became the Liverpool Catholic Training Schools Association.
Lyingin in hospitals were effectively the first dedicated maternity hospitals. The lying-in period was the period after childbirth when it was thought healthy for women to have a period of bed rest.
Magdalen Asylum aka Mary Magdalene Asylums
Metropolitan Asylums Board (MAB)
The Board was set up by the Poor Laws in 1867 for the population of London who were both ill and poor. In 1930, its role was taken over by the London County Council.
The Poor Law Act of 1834 provided that poor children, including those in the workhouses should be given a basic education. Further Acts formalised this and increased the amount of education all children should receive. It was this 1834 Act that meant that Poor Law Unions - geographical areas - should send money on providing free education for poor children. Some of these schools were known as Poor Law School.
A receiving home was a short-term home, Children would stay for a matter of days or weeks while they were assessed and a permanent placement could be found. The idea of receiving homes continued until late into the twentieth century.
Reformatories (also known as refom schools)
Reformatories (also called reform schools) were where children were sent by the courts if found guilty of a crime. They were strict places where children would receive some training in a work-based skill.
Unlike reformatories, children sent to industrial schools in the nineteenth century had not been found guilty of a crime but were thought likely to be criminals in the future (because of their circumstances or the company they kept) and so were sent to industrial schools for discipline and training. In later years, certainly by 1911, the difference between industrial and reform schools blurred with more children sent to industrial schools by the courts.
More on industrial schools here.
This was a term used to describe (generally large) residential institutions for orphans. Some orphanages adhered strictly to taking in only orphans, others also took in children who had lost only one parent or whose family were destitute.
Salesian Schools / Institutions
A Roman Catholic ecducation and religius education instituion estacbklished by Salesian Congregation of Saint John Bosco. They were intended for boys who were in need.
This was generally used as another term for an industrial school ie. a school or home to which children were sent if it was thought that they may need extra discipline to dissuade them from getting into trouble in the future.
A novel take on the industrial school was the industrial training ship. Children would be sent to the ships - there were several in 1901 - in the same way they would be sent to an industrial school. They would receive training appropriate for them to become a sailor.
Truant schools were, in effect, a form of short-term industrial school. Whereas children were likely to be sent to industrial schools for a number of years, if not the remainder of their childhoods, children who were truanting could be sent for a lesser time to a truant school. In the early twentieth century, the term disappeared and the function merged with that of industrial schools.
More on industrial schools here
When Poor Law Unions were building separate residential accommodation for children, distinct from the workhouse, they were often called workhouse schools or Poor Law Schools. Generally, at the beginning of the twentieth century, these workhouse schools were either replaced or renamed as cottage homes or children's homes.
Working boys' and girls' homes
The idea behind homes for working children is that they would be a stepping stone between a children's home or orphanage and independent living. Older children would go into the working children's home and be helped into a job from which they would pay the home a proportion of their earnings for their board and lodging The idea continued until the 1970s.
Institutions of 1911 Sanatoria, Catholic homes, poor law schools, asylums etc.
for finding a specific home
On a PC, press CTRL and f to get the find function. Type your keyword in the find box that appears at the top of this page. ______________________________
PLEASE NOTE: The landscape of insututions in the nineteenth and early twentieth cetury was a very complex one and the organisations responsible for these institutions constantly changed (or their names changed). The details given here can be a guide only and cannot be taken as hard fact without further research.
the counties of Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Essex, and London north of the Thames
Warwickshire, Oxfordshire, Staffordshire, and Worcestershire
The Hundreds of West Derby, Leyland, Amounderness, and Lonsdale, in Lancashire and the Isle of Man
Gloucestershire, Somerset, and Wiltshire
Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle Northumberland, Cumberland, Durham, and Westmoreland
West Yorkshire, parts of North Yorkshire, East Riding, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire
North and East Ridings of Yorkshire, and the city of York north of the Ouse
Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, and Glamorganshire
Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdon, Norfolk, and Suffolk
Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, and Rutland
Devonshire, Dorsetshire, Cornwall, and the Scilly Islands
Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, Berkshire, and the Channel Islands
The Hundreds of Salford and Blackburn in Lancashire
Shropshire and Cheshire
County of London south of the Thames, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Diocese of Menevia
Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, Diocese of Aberdeen, Diocese of Dunkeld, Archdiocese of Glasgow
QUICK TIP for finding a specific home
On a PC, press CTRL and f to get the find function. Type your keyword in the find box that appears at the top of this page. ______________________________
the counties of Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Essex, and London north of the Thames
Association for the Care of Catholic Crippled Children, 18 Egerton Terrace, London SW
Bridge Industrial Home for Feeble-minded boys, London (run by the Metropolitan Asylum Board)
Bushey Heath Cottage Hospital, Hertfordshire
Catholic Emigration Societym London
Certified Household Training Home, 37 Aynhoe Road, West London
Children's Hospital, Hackney Road, London
Children's Hospital, Paddington Green, London
City of London Hospital for Diseases of the chest, Victoria Park, London. Founded 1848. 164 beds (consumption sanatorium)
City of London Union Workhouse, Bow Road
Convalescent Home, Hanwell, West London
Convalescent Home, Twyford Abbey, Park Royal, London
Convalescent Home for consumptives, Thorneycroft, Clacton on Sea, Essex
Convent and orphanage, Cromwell Hill, London
Convent and School of Sisters of Providence, 76 Devonshire Road, London
Convent of Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, Bethell Avenue, London. At this convent young girls had work in embroidery, carpet-making, etc.
Convent of Mercy, Whitta Road, London
Convent of Providence, Hampstead Green, London (poor law school for girls)
Convent of Sisters of Charity (under St. Vincent of Paul), Little Ealing Lane, South Ealing, London
Convent of the Most Holy Sacrament, Brompton Branch of the International Catholic Society for Protecting Girls, 35 Brompton Square, London SW
Convent, Hadham (for epileptic boys and girls)
Convent, Little Ealing Lane, West London, (125 beds for girls) (run by the Incorporated Society of the Crusude of Rescue and Homes for Destitute Children)
Daughters of the Cross, St Joseph's School, 50 Brook Green, London. Served from the Holy Trinity Church
East End Mothers' Home, 39 Commercial Road, London
East Ham Diphtheria and Fever Hospital, Walthamstow, London
Eastern Fever Hospital, London (run by the Metropolitan Asylums Board - MAB)
Exmouth Training Ship, London (run by the Metropolitan Asylum Board)
Free Home for the Dying, Clapham, London
French Hospital, Servants of the Sacred Heart, Shaftesbury Avenue, London (for Huguenot descendants - members of the French Protestant Church, who left France in the 17th and 18th centuries to escape persecution) Founded 1867
Friedenheim, Hampstead, London (hospital)
Home for Consumptive Females, Paddington, London
Home for Crippled Girls, St. Michael's Convent of Mercy, Clacton-on-Sea
Home for Girls, 9 Lower Seymour Street, London
Home for Working Girls, 26 Bow Road, East London
Home of Providence Night Refuge, London
Hospital of St. John and St. Elizabeth, Sisters of Mercy, 40 Grove End Road, St. John's Wood, London
House of Mercy, St. Edward's Convent, Blandford Square, London NW
Industrial School for Girls, Nazareth House, Isleworth
Isolation Hospital, Herfordshire
Italian Hospital, Sisters of Charity, 41 Queen Square, London WC
Leavesden Imbecile Asylum, Herfordshire (run by the Metropolitan Asylum Board)
Little Sisters of the Poor, Manor Road, Stoke Newington, London
Little Sisters of the Poor, Portobello Road, Notting Hill, London Lunatic Asylum, London
Lying-in Hospital, City Road, London
Lying-in Hospital, Endell Street, London
MAB School, High Wood, London - for Ophthalmia and feeble-minded girls (run by the Metropolitan Asylum Board)
Maldon Sanatorium (for consumptives), Maldon, Essex
Manor House, Chigwell (for ophthalmic boys)
Marist Convent, 727 High Road, Tottenham, London (orphanage for girls)
Mount Vernon Hospital for Consumptives, Hampstead. London. Founded 1860. 120 beds
Mount Vernon Country Branch Hospital, Northwoods (referred from Mount Vernon Hospital for Consumptives, London)
Napsbury Asylum, Herfordshire
Nazareth House, Hammersmith, London - Poor Sisters of Nazareth (for the elderly and children in need)
Nazareth House, Isleworth - Poor Sisters of Nazareth (for the elderly and children in need. Certified as an industrial school)
Nazareth House, Richmond Road, London
Nazareth House, Westcliff-on-Sea (convalescent orphanage for girls and poor law school for boys)
North Eastern Fever Hospital, Stamford Hill, London (run by the Metropolitan Asylum Board)
North London Fever Hospital, London (run by the Metropolitan Asylums Board)
Northern Convalescent Fever Hospital, Winchmore Hill, London (run by the Metropolitan Asylum Board)
Orphanage, Hassett Road, Homerton, London NE (poor law school for girls)
Pield Heath House, Hillingdon (for ‘defective’ girls)
Preservation Home, Brentford (orphanage for girls)
Providence Night Refuge (for Men, Women, and Children), Crispin Street, East London (Incorporated Society of the Crusade of Rescue)
Receiving Home, 48 Compton Street, Russell Square (Incorporated Society of the Crusade of Rescue, and Homes for Destitute Children)
Reformatory School for Boys, St. John's, Walthamstow, London
Royal Naval Barracks, Shotley, London
Sacred Heart Orphanage for girls, Brentwood, London. Under the Sisters of Mercy
Sanatorium and Fever Hospital, London
School for Epileptic Children, Herfordshire (under Daughters of the Cross)
Sisters of Charity (under protection of SVP – St Vincent de Paul), 45 Avenue Road, London
Sisters of Charity (under protection of SVP – St Vincent de Paul), 40 Rothschild Road, London. Hand laundry and creche.
Sisters of Charity of St. Paul, 3 High Road, London
Sisters of Charity, 642 Commercial Road, London
Sisters of Charity, 9 Lower Seymour Street, West London (orphanage for girls)
Sisters of Charity, Carlisle Place, Victoria Street, London SW (orphanage for girls and workroom)
Sisters of Charity, Church Road, London
Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, the Convent, London Road, London - Boarding and Day School
St Albans House of Mercy, Great Maplestead, Braintree, Essex
St. Andrew's, Dollis Hill. London
St. Anne's Home, Portobello Road, West London (for ophthalmic girls)
St Anne's, Fetham. Founded 1905 by the Crusade of Rescue and Homes for Destitute Children. Closed in 1950s
St. Anthony's Home for Boys, Hatton, near Feltham (200 beds) (run by the Incorporated Society of the Crusude of Rescue and Homes for Destitute Children) Opened 1905, closed 1950s
St. Benedict's School for Boys, Orchard Dene, Blakesley Avenue, London
St. Catherine's Home for orphan boys, Watford
St. Catherine's Home for orphan girls, Watford
St. Charles's School, Brentwood, London (poor law schoolpoor law school for boys) Opened 1884. It was run at different rimes by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul and the Christian Brothers and the Crusade of Rescue and Homes for Destitute Children. Closed in 1954.
St. Edward's School, Totteridge, North London (poor law school for girls)
St. Elizabeth's Convent, London
St. George's Home, Hintonburgh, Ottawa, Canada, for emigrated children (run by the Incorporated Society of the Crusade of Rescue and Homes for Destitute Children)
St. Helen's Orphanage, St. Thomas' Road, Brentwood (boys)
St. John's Reformatory School, London
St. Joseph's Convalescent Home, London
St. Joseph's Home for Boys, Holtwhites Hill, Enfield (opened 1890 - 180 beds) (run by the Incorporated Society of the Crusude of Rescue and Homes for Destitute Children)
St. Joseph's Hospice for the Dying, Sisters of Charity, Mare Street, Hackney, London
St. Joseph's School, 50 Brook Green, West London (poor law school for girls)
St. Joseph's home for children, Rose Lane, Stepney. Opened in 1876 by the Crusade of Rescue and Homes for Destitute Children
St Luke’s House, NW London (hospital)
St. Mary's Home, 41 Brook Green Road, Hammersmith, West London (orphanage for girls)
St Mary’s home for boys, North Hyde, Southall (founded 1864 by the Crusade of Rescue Homes for Orphans and Destitute Children)
St. Mary's Hospital for Women and Children, Plaistow, London
St. Mary's Orphanage, North Hyde, Southall, London (approx 300 children). Founded by the Crusade of Rescue and Homes for Destitute Children
St, Mary's home for girls, Walthamstow (founded 1859 by the Crusade of Rescue Homes for Orphans and Destitute Children)
St. Nicholas's Industrial School, Manor Park, London (founded 1862 by the Crusade of Rescue and Homes for Destitute Children)
St. Pancras Workhouse Infirmary, London (includes a Convalescent Hospital for Children)
St. Patrick's Home for working boys, 14 Manette Street, Soho, West London (opened 1900 - 100 beds) (run by the Incorporated Society of the Crusade of Rescue and Homes for Destitute Children)
St Peter’s Home, Kilburn, London (hospital)
St. Vincent's Cripples' Home, Eastcote, London
St. Vincent's School (poor law school for infant boys), Mill Hill, London
St. Vincent's Home, Hammersmith (est. 1859 by the Crusade of Rescue and Homes for Destitute Children) Moved to Harrow Road in 1876
St. Vincent's, Church Street, Kensington, West London (orphanage for girls)
St. Vincent's, Feltham, Hounslow. Founded 1905 by the Crusade of Rescue and Homes for Destitute Children. Closed in 1950s
St. Winifrid's Elementary School, Church Road, London Stepney Children's Receiving Home, Barnes Street, Ratcliff, London
Surgical and Medical Home, Mayfair, West London, with Convalescent Home, Hampstead
The Crusade of Rescue for Girls based at the Convent of Sisters of Charity, Little Ealing Lane, South Ealing, London
Training Ship ‘Ganges II’, London
Upton House Truant School, London
Walthamstow General Hospital, London
Walthamstow House, Walthamstow, London (poor law school for girls)
West Ham Truant School, London
West Ham Fever Hospital, London
Westcliff-on-Sea (a branch house of Nazareth House for infirm and delicate children)
Westminster Diocesan Education Fund for Poor Children
Warwickshire, Oxfordshire, Staffordshire, and Worcestershire
Aston Union Workhouse (incorporating the Chapel of St Joseph), run by Aston Poor Law Union
Birmingham Diocesan Rescue Society, for the Protection and Rescue of Destitute Catholic Children
Catherine-de-Barnes Isolation Hospital, Henwood Lane, Catherine-de-Barnes (opened 1910 by Solihull Distriact Council)
Catholic Working Boys' Home, 102 Moseley Road, Birmingham - known as St Vincent's
Coleshill orphanage for boys Birmingham Diocesan Rescue Society
Convent of Mercy, Lowe Street, Camp Hill, Birmingham
Convent of Our Lady of Mercy, Handsworth.
Convent of St. Chad, 16 Whittall Street, Birmingham
County Asylum, Staffordshire
County Asylum, Burntwood, nr Lichfield
County Asylum, Cheddleton
Edgbaston orphanage for boys
Hailey Open-Air Sanatorium (for consumptives), Ipsden, Wallingford, Oxfordshire. Founded 1900. 30 beds
Headington Workhouse, Oxford
Hednesford Accident Home, Stoke on Trent
Hospital of St Dominic, for incurable female patients, Stone.
House of Retreat for Working Girls. Retreat of the Sacred Heart (from Bruges). 24 Wheeley Road, Edgbaston.
Isolation Hospital, Staffordshire
Josiah Mason's Orphanage, Erdington, Birmingham
Kingswood Sanatorium (for consumptives), Peppard, Oxfordshire. Founded 1900. 12 beds
Little Sisters of the Poor, Cobridge (home for the aged poor)
Littlemore Asylum, Oxford
Maitland Cottage Sanatorium (for consumptives), Oxfordshire. Founded 1901. 16 beds
Midland Open Air Sanatorium (for consumptives), Bourne Castle, Belbroughton. Founded 1901. 20 beds
Monks Kirby, Warwickshire (orphanage for girls)
Monyhull Colony for Epileptics.
Orphanage and Training Home, Brougham Street, Birmingham
Orphanage for boys, Coleshill
Orphanage for boys, Edgbaston
Oxford (orphanage for girls)
Sisters of Charity of St. Paul, Vernon Road, Edgbaston
Sisters of Charity, Birmingham (home for girls)
Sisters of Charity, St. Anthony's, Shadwell Street, Birmingham
Sisters of Charity. St. Anthony's Home, Vicarage Road, Edgbaston (Home for girls)
Sisters of Nazareth, Nazareth House.
Sisters of Nazareth, Oxford (home for the aged poor)
Sisters of Nazareth, Selly Park (orphanage for girls)
St. Bernard's Home for Incurables, Bicester, Oxon
St Edwards Home for Boys, Coleshill Birmingham Diocesan Rescue Society
St. John's Home, Gravelly Hill. Conducted by Sisters of Charity of St Paul.
St. Joseph's Convent, Forebridge
St. Joseph's Home, Harborne (home for the aged poor)
St. Margaret's Home for Incurables. North Staffordshire
St. Marie's College, for professed Students of the Institute of Charity. Sisters of Providence (of the Institute of Charity)
St. Mary's Convent of Mercy. Orphanage for Girls, Staffs
St. Mary's Convent, Maryvale (orphanage for girls)
St. Mary's Refuge, Northfield, Birmingham
Warwick County Asylum, Hatton
Wolverhampton (orphanage for girls)
Women's Hospital, Showell Green
Worcestershire Sanatorium (for consumptives), Knightwick, Worcs. Founded 1902. 16 beds (free treatment available)
The Hundreds of West Derby, Leyland, Amounderness, and Lonsdale, in Lancashire and the Isle of Man
Beacon Lane orphanage and industrial school, under Sisters of Charity, Liverpool - served from Our Lady Immaculate (boys)
Birkdale Farm School (reformatory school for boys) (Liverpool Catholic Reformatory Association - opened in 1872)
Blackbrook House, St. Helens, under Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary (industrial school for girls)
Blind Asylum (founded 1841), Brunswick Road, and Rice House, West Derby, Liverpool, under Sisters of Charity, served from St. Francis Xavier's President
Blind Asylum, Rice House, Leyfield, Liverpool
Boys' Orphanage, Beacon Lane, Liverpool, under Sisters of Charity.
Boys' Refuge and Night Asylum, 62 St. Anne Street, Liverpool, served from St. Mary of the Angels
Boys’ industrial school, St. George's, West Derby Road (served from St. Michael's)
Broughton Road, Preston (Home for the aged poor, under Little Sisters of the Poor)
Catholic Benevolent Society (founded 1810), Liverpool - to assist the Sick Poor through the Clergy
Consumption Hospital, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, served from the Pro-Cathedral
Convalescent Home, Allerton Road
Convalescent Home for Children (West Derby Union), West Derby (served from St. Paul's, Derby)
Convalescent Home for Children (West Derby Union), West Derby, served from St. Paul's, West Derby
Convent of Sisters of the Sacred Hearts: Certified School for mentally defective children
Country Hospital for Chronic Diseases of Children, Heswall, Deeside, Lancs
Dingle Hospital for female epileptics - served from Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Everton Crescent (girls’ night home), under Sisters of Charity, served from St. Mary of the Angels
Falkner Street (girls’ orphanage), under Sisters of Notre Dame, served from the Oratory of St. Philip Neri
Farnworth Nautical School (reformatory school for boys) Known formally as St. Aiden's. (Liverpool Catholic Reformatory Association)
Father Berry's Homes (boys), 105 Shaw Street
Fazakerley Isolation Hospital
Fylde Union Workhouse
Girls' Reformatory School, May Place. Freshfield, Liverpool Liverpool Catholic Reformatory Association
Girls’ orphanage, Falkner Street, Liverpool, under Sisters of Notre Dame
Girls’ Reformatory, May Place, Old Swan, served from Old Swan (Liverpool Catholic Reformatory Association)
Greenfield House (poor law school for girls), Birchley, Wigan
Home for Catholic Working Boys, St. George's Auxiliary Home, 47 Everton Road
Hotel Dieu, Waterloo, under Augustine Sisters (hospital)
House of Mercy for Servants out of place, Mount Vernon, Liverpool, under the Sisters of Mercy.
House of Providence, Woodlands Road, Liverpool, under Sisters of the Sacred Hearts
Infectious Hospital, Litherland, Sefton. Served from St. Elizabeth's.
Kirkedge Moor, near Sheffield Temporary premises for boys' reformatory to replace the Reformatory Ship Clarence and St, Aiden's 1899-1907/8, Run by Liverpool Catholic Reformatory Association
Knolle Park Poor Law School (Church-road), under Sisters of St. Catherine.
Knolle Park poor law school for girls, Woolton
Leyfield poor law school, West Derby, under Sisters of Charity
Liverpool Sanatorium (for consumptives), Roughhill, Kingswood, Lancs. Founded 1901. 40 beds
Liverpool Hospital for Consumption, Liverpool. Founded 1864. 44 beds
Liverpool Parochial Sanatorium (for consumptives), Heswall. Founded 1902. 24 beds (free treatment available)
Liverpool Port Authority Isolation Hospital
Liverpool Workhouse Convalescent Home, Luton Street, Liverpool - served from St. Alban's
Magdalen Asylum, Ford and Wavertree, near Liverpool, under Sisters of the Good Shepherd
Magdalen Asylum, Paul Street, Liverpool
Magdalen Asylum, Rosemont, Edge Lane, Liverpool, under Poor Servants of the Mother of God.
Manor House Epileptic Hospital.
May Place, Old Swan, Liverpool (reformatory school for girls)- under Sisters of Charity (Liverpool Catholic Reformatory Association) Opened 1876
Mill Lane, Highfield House (Epileptics), Highfield Infirmary, served from St. Oswald's, Old Swan
Moss Side House Convalescent Home (Liverpool Select Vestry)
Nazareth House Home for Destitute Children (Boys), Liverpool
Nazareth House, Ditton, Widnes
Nazareth House, Great Crosby, Ditton, Lancaster for Destitute, Crippled, and Incurable Children
Nazareth House, Great Crosby, Sefton, Lancashire
Nazareth House, Lancaster
Nazareth House, Wavertree : for Destitute, Crippled, and Incurable Children and, when space permits, for Aged Poor of both sexes.
Netherfield Road City Hospital, served from Our Lady Immaculate
Night home for girls, Limekiln Lane, Liverpool - under the Poor Servants of the Mother of God
Night Homes for Girls (founded 1890), Everton Crescent, Liverpool - under the Sisters of Charity, served from St. Mary of the Angels (girls)
Nugent House, Canterbury Street (home for working boys)
Nursing and Convalescent Institution, Park House, Waterloo, Liverpool.
Orphanage, Beacon Lane, Liverpool
Our Lady's House for Homeless Babes, 93 Shaw Street, Liverpool (Father Berry's Homes for Catholic Friendless Children)
Pontville, Ormskirk (poor law school for defective children)
Poor law school for boys, Fulwood, Preston
Poor law school for girls, Moorfields, Preston
Poor Law School, Greenfield House, Merseyside - Sisters of Charity of St Paul
Prescot Union (Whiston) Workhouse, served from Prescot.
Providence Hospital (founded 1882), St. Helen's, under Poor Servants of the Mother of God
Rainhill Lunatic Asylum, served from Portico, Prescot.
Rice House, West Derby, Liverpool (home for blind people)
Sisters of Charity. Liverpool
Sisters of Mercy, Green Lane, Wavertree
Sisters of Nazareth, Woolton Road, Liverpool
St. Aidan's Nautical Training School, Farnworth, near Widnes (known as the Farnworth Nautical Reformatory) Opened 1907. Boys. Run by the Liverpool Catholic Refomatory Association
St. Anne's, Freshfield, under Sisters of Charity (girls’ industrial school)
St. Ann's High School, Southport-road. Workhouse and Poor Law School
St. Anthony's Home for Destitute Children, 95, 97 Shaw Street (Father Berry's Homes for Catholic Friendless Children)
St. Augustine's Home, Aigburth Road, Liverpool (Home for the aged poor, under Little Sisters of the Poor)
St. Augustine's Home, Aigburth Road, Liverpool, served from
St. Charles' (home for aged poor)
St. Bernard's Training Home for Boys, 119 Shaw Street (Father Berry's Homes for Catholic Friendless Children)
St. Edward's poor law school for boys, Broad Green, Liverpool
St. Elizabeth's Institute (girls’ orphanage and industrial school), 64 Breckfield Road South, served from St. Michael's - under the Sisters of Mercy
St. George's Auxiliary Home, 47 Everton Road ; Nugent House, Canterbury-street (Home for Catholic Working boys)
St. George's Industrial School, West Derby Road, Liverpool (boys)
St. Helen's Hospital Liverpool
St. Joseph's Home (founded 1874), Belmont Road, Liverpool (Home for the aged poor, under Little Sisters of the Poor)
St. Joseph's Home for Servants out of place, Everton Crescent, Liverpool, under Sisters of Charity
St. Joseph's orphanage for girls, Theatre Street, Preston, under Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy
St. Joseph's Sick Institution (founded 1871), Mount Street, Preston, under Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy
St. Philip's Home for Street Trading Boys, Marble Street, Liverpool. Opened 1892. Opened by Father Berry under the Liverpool Catholic Childrens Protection Society
St. Thomas's Home, Tulketh Hall, Preston. Industrial School and Home for friendless Boys, under the Brothers of Charity
St. Vincent's Home for Working Boys, 105 Shaw Street (Father Berry's Homes for Catholic Friendless Children)
St. Vincent's School, Fulwood.
Toxteth Union, served from St. Hugh's
Warrington Union Industrial School, served from Woolston.
Wigan Sanatorium and Small pox Hospital.
Workhouse (Wigan Union).
Catholic Reformatory for Girls, Arno's Vale, Bristol
Cotswold Sanatorium (for consumptives), Birdlip, Glos. Founded 1898. 39 beds
Diocesan Rescue Society, for rescuing children in danger of losing their faith, Clifton
Engel Home (Sanatorium for consumptives), Cheddar, Somersetshire
House of Mercy, Ashley Road, Bedminster, Bristol
House of Mercy, Bussage Stroud
House of Refuge for Penitents, Arno's Vale, Bristol.
Houses of Refuge for Aged Poor under the Little Sisters of the Poor, Cotham Park, Bristol
Industrial School for Boys, Cannington
Industrial School for Girls, Salisbury (Sisters of Charity).
Institute for young women (founded 1864), Stroud?
Luftkur Sanatorium (for consumptives), Portbury, Somersetshire. Founded 1904
Mendip Hills Sanatorium (for consumptives), Mendip Hill, Somersetshire. Founded 1900. 20 beds
Nazareth House, Cheltenham
Nordrach upon Mendip Sanatorium (for consumptives), Mendip Hills, Somersetshire. Founded 1899. 40 beds
Orphanage (founded 1862), Stroud?
Orphanage for Girls - Cheltenham
Orphanage for Girls - Franciscan Convent, Woodchester, Nailsworth
Orphanage for Girls - Minehead
Orphanage for girls - Taunton
Orphanage for girls from the workhouses - Westbury-on-Trym
Painswick Sanatorium (for consumptives), Painswick, Glos. Founded 1900. 12 beds
Royal Victoria Memorial Sanatorium (for consumptives), Winsley, Wiltshire. Founded 1904. 60 beds (free treatment available)
St Michael’s Home (Sanatorium for consumptives), Axbridge, Somersetshire
St. Rose's Convent, Stroud, Glos (Special School certified by the Board of Education for physically defective and crippled girls)
DIOCESE OF HEXHAM AND NEWCASTLE Northumberland, Cumberland, Durham, and Westmoreland
Bellevue Sanatorium (for consumptives), Shotley Bridge, Durham. Founded 1899. 20 beds
Boys' Industrial School, Stanwix, Carlisle, under the Presentation Brothers
City Lunatic Asylum, Coxlodge
Consumptive Sanatoria (at Wolsingham and Stanhope) Fever Hospital, Brampton
Cumberland Sanatorium (for consumptives), Blencathra, Cumberland. Founded 1904. 20 beds (free treatment available)
Durham Country Sanatorium (for consumptives), Stanhope. Durham. Founded 1899. 45 beds (free treatment available)
Girls' Certified Poor Law School, St. Mary's Home, Tudhoe, Home for Penitents, Durran Hiill. Served from Saints Mary and Joseph's – under the Sisters of Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
House of Incurables, Brampton
House of Mercy, Salters Road, Gosforth
Northumberland Sanatorium (for consumptives), Barrasford, Hexham. Founded 1905. 50 beds
Orphanage and Poor Law School, Burnfoot - under Sisters of Mercy
Orphanage of the Sacred Heart, Wigton, Cumberland (in charge of the Sisters of Mercy) (girls)
Orphanage of the Sacred Heart, Wigton, Cumberland (under the Sisters of Mercy)
Poor law school for boys from the workhouses: St. Peter's Orphanage, Gainford (under the Sisters of Charity)
Poor law school for girls from the workhouses: St. Mary's Home, Tudhoe, Spennymoor
Prudhoe Convalescent Home, Whitley Bay
St. Joseph's Home, Carmel Road, Darlington (under the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul) (girls’ industrial school)
St. James' (Bishop Chadwick's Memorial School), Carlisle, under the Presentation Brothers (certified industrial school for senior boys)
St Joseph's Home, Cumberland - under the Little Sisters of the Poor.
St. Joseph's Home, Carlisle (elderly poor)
St. Joseph's Home, Elswick, Newcastle-on-Tyne (elderly poor)
St. Joseph's Home, High Barnes, Sunderland (elderly poor)
St. Mary's Home, Tudhoe, Spennymoor (poor law school for girls from the workhouses)
St. Peter's Orphanage, Gainford (in charge of Sisters of Charity) (poor law school for boys from the workhouses)
St. Vincent's Orphanage, Brunei Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne (with working boys' home and industrial school for junior girls adjoining) (under the Sisters of Charity)
West Yorkshire, parts of North Yorkshire, East Riding, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire
Airedale and Wharfedale Isolation Hospital
Asylum for Aged Poor, Belle Vue Road, Leeds - Little Sisters of the Poor
Asylum for Aged Poor, Sheffield.
Boys’ industrial school - School of the Good Shepherd, Shibden, near Halifax
Bradford Sanatorium (for consumptives), Eastby, Yorkshire. Founded 1903. 52 beds (free treatment available)
Cangrate Fever Hospital
Catholic Girls’ Protection Home, St Monica's, 179 Belle Vue Road, Leeds (Diocesan Rescue and Protection Society)
Catholic Rescue Home, St Margaret's, 15 Mount Preston, Leeds (Diocesan Rescue and Protection Society)
Delaware Sanatorium (for consumptives), Birch Hill, Lancs. Founded 1905. 90 beds
Girls’ industrial school - St. Joseph's Home, Howard Hill, Sheffield
Home for Working Girls, Leeds
House of Mercy, Horbury, Wakefield
Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, Boston Spa (under the Sisters of Charity)
Leeds Hopital for Consumptives, Armley, Yorks. Founded 1903. 20 beds (free treatment available)
Leeds Sanatorium for consumptives. Gateforth Hall. Founded 1901. 32 beds (free treatment available)
Manchester Hospital for consumptives, Bowdon, Lancs. Founded 1875. 50 beds
Mount St Mary’s Orphanage for girls, Richmond Hill, Leeds under the Sisters of Mary Immaculate. Founded in 1863 by the Leeds Diocesan Rescue Society. Closed in 1950s.
Poor Law School for boys, Carr Street, Leeds
Sacred Heart Maternity Home near Kendal, Cumbria (Catholic institution for unmarried pregnant women
Sanatorium, Eldwick
School of the Good Shepherd, Shibden, near Halifax (industrial school for boys)
St. Joseph's Home, Howard Hill, Sheffield (industrial school for girls)
St. Vincent's Boys' Home, Leeds. Founded c.1863 by the Leeds Diocesan Rescue Society (with an extension used as an industrial school)
Westmorland Sanatorium (for consumptives). Meathop, Lancs. Founded 1900. 28 beds (free treatment available)
West Riding Asylum, Burley
West Riding Asylum, Menston
North and East Ridings of Yorkshire, and the city of York north of the Ouse
Catholic Training School for Boys, St. William's, Market
Clifton and Bootham Lunatic Asylums
Convalescent Home, Whitby, under the Sisters of Mercy
Convent of Mercy, Dansom Lane, Hull
County and Fever Hospitals, York
East Riding Lunatic Asylum
House of Mercy, for girls to be trained as domestic servants, Convent of Mercy, Dansom Lane, Hull
Hull and East Riding Convalescent Home, Withernsea, East Riding. Founded 1900. 28 beds (for consumptives)
Night Shelter for Girls, Sculcoates
Poor Law school, Middlesborough – under the Poor Sisters of Nazareth
St. Vincents Orphan Boys Home (founded 1909), Hull
Working Boys' Home, Sculcoates
Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, and Glamorganshire
Cardiff Mental Hospital.
Fever Hospital, Cardiff
Nazareth House, St. David's Convent, Cardiff (inclues a poor law school for girls)
St. Michael's Home, Swansea - certified Poor Law School for boys
St. Michael's Home, Treforest, Pontypridd (Boys) - certified for children from the workhouse
St. Vincent's, Berrington Street, Hereford (Girls) (for children from the workhouse)
Yllis House, Clydach-on-Tawe (poor law school for boys and girls)
Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdon, Norfolk, and Suffolk
Asylum for Aged Poor and destitute Children, Nazareth House, Leicester Road, Northampton (also certified as a Poor Law School).
The Beeches (sanatorium for consumptives), Long Stratton, Norfolk. Founded 1900. 35 beds
Berry Wood Asylum, Northampton
Borough and County Asylum, Ipswich
Convent of the Sisters of Charity, Manor House Street, Northampton
Daneswood Sanatorium (for consumptives), Woburn Sands, Bedford. Founded 1902. 22 beds (free treatment available) For Jewish people
East Anglian Sanatorium (for consumptives), Nayland, Suffolk 1900 (a sanatorium for poorer classes in grounds – men do farm work and women do housekeeping)
Epileptic Colony, Chalfont St. Peter
Kelling Sanatorium (for consumptives), Holt, Norfolk. Founded 1903. 42 beds (free treatment available)
Mundesley Sanatorium (for consumptives), Mundesley, Norfolk. Founded 1899 31 (free treatment available)
Nazareth House, Leicester Road, Northampton
Orphanage for Boys, St. Francis' Home, Shefford.
Orphanage for Girls, St. Mary's Convent, Albion Hill, Ipswich (also certified as a Poor Law School)
St Mary’s Convent, Albion Hill, Ipswich – with boarding school, poor School, and orphanage attached
St. Francis' Home, Shefford, Beds (orphanage for boys).
St. Francis’ Home, Luton - Diocesan Orphanage for Boys
St. Mary's Convent, Albion Hill, Ipswich (orphanage for girls and certified poor law school).
Three Counties Lunatic Asylum, Luton
Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, and Rutland
City Asylum, Nottingham
Dominican Sisters, Leicester (girls)
Franciscan Tertiaries, Melton Mowbray (girls)
Home for Girls, Great Grimsby
Industrial Training School, Great Grimsby
Isolation Hospital, Leicester
Lunatic Asylum, Leicester
Nottinghamshire Sanatorium (for consumptives), Mansfield, Notts. Founded 1902. 30 beds (free treatment available)
Orphanage for Girls, St. Joseph's Convent, Derby
Partington Convalescent Homes, Manchester
Sisters of Mercy, Nottingham (girls)
Sisters of Providence, Loughborough (girls)
Sisters of St. Joseph, Great Grimsby (girls)
Sisters of St. Joseph, Lincoln (girls)
Sisters of St. Joseph, Nottingham (girls)
Alderney Manor Sanatorium (for consumptives), Oarkstone, Dorsetshire. Founded 1900. 28 beds
Blackadon Borough Asylum (aka Plymouth Borough Asylum, Blackadon, Bittaford Asylum), Ugborough, Ivybridge, Plymouth
Dartmoor Sanatorium (for consumptives), Chagford, Devon. Founded 1903. 20 beds
Daughters of the Cross, Liskinnick House, Penzance (Orphanage for Girls)
Devon and Cornwall Sanatorium for consumptives, Didworthy, South Brent, Devon. Founded 1903. 16 beds (free treatment available)
Dunstone Park Sanatorium (for consumptives), Paignton, Devon. Founded 1900. 10 beds
Holy Cross, Plymouth (orphanage for girls)
Home for the Aged and Infirm, Hartley, Plymouth (Little Sisters of the Poor)
House of Mercy, Lostwithiel, Cornwall
Mary’s Priory, Torquay - Orphanage for girls, and Ladies' home
Mildmay Consumptive Home, Torquay, Devon. Founded 1886. 10 beds (for advanced cases)
Orphanage Priory, St. Mary's Church, Torquay
Poor law school for boys under fourteen, St. Vincent's, Teignmouth Road, Torre, Torquay - for children from workhouses, under Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent of Paul
Poor law school for girls, 21 Gasking Street, Plymouth - for children from workhouses, under Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent of Paul
St. Vincent's Orphanage, Teignmouth Road, Torre, Torquay - includes a certified poor law school for boys under 14 from the workhouse - under Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent of Paul
Western Hospital for Incipient Consumption, Torquay, Devon. Founded 1850. 40 beds
Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, Berkshire, and the Channel Islands
Asylum and Infectious Hospital, Portsmouth
Asylum for the aged poor, Southsea and Jersey
Broadmoor Asylum, Bracknell
Female Orphanage, Southsea
Firs Home, Bournemouth, Hampshire. 20 beds (for consumptives at advanced stage)
Hahnemann Home (sanatorium for consumptives), Bournemouth, Hampshire. Founded 1879. 32 beds (free treatment available)
Hants County Lunatic Asylum, Knowle
House of Mercy, Windsor, Berkshire
Isolation Hospital, Basingstoke
Linford Sanatorium (for consumptives), Ringwood. Hants. Founded 1899. 24 beds
London Open-Air Sanatorium, Pinewoods, Ninemile Ride, Wokingham, Berks. Founded 1901. 60 beds
Lunatic Asylum, Isle of Wight
Moorcote (sanatorium for consumptives), Eversley, Hamshire. Founded 1899. 20 beds
Nazareth House, Lawrence Road, Portsmouth - Orphanage for Girls and home for Aged
National Sanatorium (for consumptives), Bournemouth, Hampshire. Founded 1855. 71 beds
Orphanage for Boys, Romsey
Orphanage for little boys, Franciscan Convent, Aldershot
Orphanage of the Sacred Heart for Boys and Girls, Summerland, Jersey
Our Lady of Charity and Refuge, Waterlooville, Cosham
Overton Hall sanatorium (for consumptives), Poole Road, Bournemouth, Hampshire. Founded 1898. 12 beds
The Pines (sanatorium for consumptives), St Brelade’s, Jersey. Founded 1904. 8 beds
Refuge for Penitents, Waterlooville and Bitterne
Royal National Hospital for Consumption, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. Founded 1869. 155 beds
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 115 Commercial Road, Landport
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Portsmouth
St Catherine’s Home (sanatorium for consumptives in advanced stages), Ventnor. Founded 1879. 12 beds
St Joseph’s Home (Roman Catholic convalescent home for consumptives), Bournemouth, Hampshire. 72 beds (free treatment available) Under the Sisters of Mercy
St. Mary's Industrial Preventive Home for Children, Eastleigh.
St. Michael's Convent, Southampton. - refuge for girls and women
The Hundreds of Salford and Blackburn in Lancashire
85 Rumford Street, Oxford Street, Manchester (home for girls)
Broadmoor Asylum, Bracknell
Buckley Hall, near Rochdale (Brothers of Charity) (boys) (under Catholic Protection and Rescue Society)
Female Orphanage, Southsea
Hants County Lunatic Asylum, Knowle
Holly Mount, Tottington, near Bury (girls) (Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary) (under Catholic Protection and Rescue Society)
Home for Little Children, Nazareth House, Prestwich (home for Children under 12) (under Catholic Protection and Rescue Society)
Home for Working Boys, Fairy Hill, Waterloo Road, Manchester (under Catholic Protection and Rescue Society)
Industrial School for Boys, Richmond Grove, Manchester.
Isolation Hospital, Basingstoke
Nazareth House, Lawrence Road, Portsmouth - Orphanage for Girls and home for Aged
Orphanage for Boys, Aldershot
Orphanage for boys, Richmond Grove, Manchester
Orphanage for Boys, Romsey
Orphanage for little boys, Franciscan Convent, Aldershot
Orphanage of the Sacred Heart for Boys and Girls, Summerland, Jersey.
Our Lady of Charity and Refuge, Waterlooville, Cosham
Princes Street, Blackburn (Missionary Sisters of St. Joseph) (home for Children under 12) (under Catholic Protection and Rescue Society)
Refuge for Penitents, Waterlooville and Bitterne.
Richmond Grove (orphanage for boys – served from St Joseph’s, Longsight)
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 115 Commercial Road, Landport
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Portsmouth
St. Bridget's Orphanage, Cross and Passion Convent, 43 Crescent, Salford (for girls)
St. George's, Nelson, under Franciscan Sisters of the Holy Ghost (under Catholic Protection and Rescue Society)
St Joseph’s Convent, St Vincent Street, Ancoats (home for girls)
St Joseph’s Convent. Victoria Park (orphanage for girls served from St Augustine’s)
St. Joseph's Convalescent Home, Bournemouth (Sisters of Mercy)
St. Joseph's Convent, Victoria Park, Manchester (industrial school for girls)
St. Joseph's Home, Patricroft (home for Children under 12) (under Catholic Protection and Rescue Society)
St. Mary's Industrial Preventive Home for Children, Eastleigh (including Industrial School for Girls)
St. Michael's Convent, Southampton. - refuge for girls and women
Shropshire and Cheshire
Asylum, Stockport
Convalescent Home, Stockport
Convalescent Home, West Kirby
Conway Training Ship, Burkenhead (more information here: External website
Fever and Smallpox Hospital, Liskard
Fever Hospital, Birkenhead
Fever Hospital, Clatterbridge
Fever Hospital, Stockport
Home for Aged Poor, Parkfield Avenue, Birkenhead - Little Sisters of the Poor
House of Mercy, Shrewsbury - for training domestic servants
House of Mercy, Lache Lane, Chester
Indefatigable Training Ship, Birkenhead (more information: External website)
Isolation Hospital, West Heath, Congleton
Orphanage and Industrial School for Boys, Stockport
Shrewsbury Children's Protection and Rescue Society, Birkenhead
St. Elizabeth's House, Claughton Road, Birkenhead
St Hilary School, Wallasey, Wigan, Cheshire – boarding school for children requiring open-air treatment (for consumptives)
St. Margaret's Home for Penitents, Mersey Road South, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead
Wirral Hospital for Children
County of London south of the Thames, Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Arethusa training ship, Greenhithe
Asylum for Aged Poor, Meadow Road, South Lambeth - Little Sisters of the Poor
Asylum for Aged Poor, Old Shoreham Road, Brighton
Barming Lunatic Asylum, Barming Heath, Maidstone, Kent. Founded in 1833 as the Kent Lunatic Asylum. later known as Oakwood Hospital. Closed in 1994.
Belgrave Hospital for Children, Clapham Road, London
Belmont Lunatic Asylum. Founded in 1853 on Brighton Road, Sutton as an orphanage and poor law school for children Greenwich, Camberwell and Woolwich. It closed as an orphanage in 1902 and later became a psychiatric hsopital which closed in the 1980s.
Bethlehem Asylum, St George’s Fields, Southwark (also known as Bethlem Royal Hospital, St Mary Bethlehem, Bethlehem Hospital and Bedlam). Founded 1247 as an institution for poor people, developed into an institution for insane people and finally a psychiatric asylum. (Moved to West Wickham in 1930).
Bethlehem Convalescent Home, Witley near Wormley, Broxbourne (probably connected to the Bethlehem Asylum - above)
Brighton Borough County Asylum, Haywards Heath
Brighton Sanatorium
Brompton Sanatorium, Frimley
Brompton Hospital for Consumptives, Fulham Riad, London. Founded 1841. 321 beds (linked to this hospital was a convalesent home for recovering patients - Heatherside)
Brookwood County Asylum, Woking, Surrey. Founded 1867.
Camberwell House Asylum, Peckham Road.
Children's Infirmary, Hither Green
City of London Lunatic Asylum, Stone
City of London Hospital for Diseases of the chest, Victoria Park, London. Founded 1848. 164 beds (consumption sanatorium)
Convalescent Home for girls and little boys, the Convent, Grosvenor Place, Margate
Convalescent Home, Rottingdean.
Convalescent Home, Worthing
Crooksbury Ridges Sanatorium (for consumptives), Farnham, Surrey. Founded 1900. 24 beds
Croydon Mental Hospital, Warlingham.
Darenth Fever Hospital, Darenth
Diocesan Orphanage for little Boys, Mottingham – under the Sisters of Charity. Served from Eltham
Earlswood Asylum, Redhill
East Cliff House Convalescent Home for children (Metropolitan Asylum Board)
Eversfield Hospital (for consumptives), St Leonards on Sea, Sussex. Founded 1884. 55 beds
Faithful Virgin, Norwood, Surrey (for girls) (Poor Law School — for Children from Workhouses)
Fever Hospital, Skym Corner, Bromley
French Convalescent Home, Brighton - convalescent care for people in the French Hospital, London. Founded 1895.
Haine Fever Hospital, Ramsgate
Heatherside Sanatorium and Convalescent Home, Camberley, Surrey. Founded 1904. 100 beds (free) Attached to Brompton Hospital for Consumption
Holloway's Sanatorium, Virginia Water
Holy Trinity orphanage, Mayfield, Sussex (for boys of better class)
Home for Crippled and Invalid Children, St. Anne's Home Brighton
Home for Mental Maladies, St. George's Retreat, Burgess Hill, Sussex (for paying patients, ladies only).
Home for Working Boys, 5-17 Westminster Bridge-road, SE London
Home for Working Girls, 654 Rotherhithe-street
Hospital for Incurables, Streatham Common
House for training and protection of girls of good character, Convent of Mercy, Ramsgate
Hythe Beach Rocks and Convalescent Homes, Sandgate
Industrial school for boys, Dartford
Industrial School for Boys, Whitstable (for little boys)
Industrial School for Girls, Croydon
Industrial school for little boys - Whitstable
Infirmary for Consumption, Margaret Street, London. Linked to Richmond House for convalescing patients
Institution for young men, 10 Elms Road, Clapham (Brothers of St Gabriel)
Isolation Hospital, Beddington.
Isolation Hospital, Guildford
Isolation Hospital, Westbourne
King Edward VII Sanatorium (for consumptives), Easebourne, Midhurst, Sussex. Founded 1905. 100 beds
Ladies' Settlement, 109, 111, St. George's Road, Lambeth,
LCC (London County Council) Lunatic Asylum, Bexley
Licensed Victuallers' Asylum
London County Asylum, Banstead
London County Council Asylum, Cane Hill, Coulsdon
MAB Asylum for Imbeciles, Caterham
MAB Brook Fever Hospital, Shooter's Hill (Metropolitan Asylum Board)
MAB District Asylum, Darenth
MAB Queen Mary's Hospital for Children
MAB School, ‘White Oak’, Swanley Junction (Metropolitan Asylum Home).
MAB, 44 The Downs’ Schools, Sutton
Meath Convalescent Home for Epileptics, Godalming (Founded 1892 and named after the Countess of Meath).
Metropolitan Asylum Home for sick and convalescent children, Milfield, Rustington
Metropolitan Asylum Home Fever Hospital, Stockwell.
Metropolitan Asylum Home South Eastern Fever Hospital, New Cross
Metropolitan Asylum Home Tooting Bec Imbecile Asylum
Mottingham House, Eltham (for little boys) (Poor Law School — for Children from Workhouses)
Netherne (Surrey) County Asylum
Ockley Sanatorium (for consumptives), Ockley, Surrey. Founded 1903. 12 beds
Orphanage for Boys, Holy Trinity, Mayfield, Sussex (for boys of better class)
Orphanage for Boys, Littlehampton
Orphanage for Boys, St. Joseph's, Orpington
Orphanage for Boys, St. Mary's, Eltham
Orphanage for Boys, West Grinstead
Orphanage for girls - Bexhill
Orphanage for girls - Brighton
Orphanage for girls - Deal
Orphanage for girls - Eltham
Orphanage for girls - Folkestone
Orphanage for girls - Holy Trinity, Mark Cross, Sussex (for girls of better class)
Orphanage for girls - Littlehampton
Orphanage for girls - Midhurst
Orphanage for girls – Norwood
Orphanage for girls - St. Anne's, Orpington
Orphanage for girls - St. Mary's, Roehampton
Orphanage for girls - Uckfield
Orphanage for girls - Worthing
Peckham Asylum, Peckham Road
Refuge for Penitents, Manor House, Portslade.
Refuge for Penitents. Convents of the Poor Servants of the Mother of God — Russell House, Streatham, Surrey
Richmond House Convalescent Home – Worthing, Sussex (for the Infirmary for Consumption and Diseases for the Throat and Chest, Margaret Street, London W
Royal Cambridge Asylum, Kingston
Royal Hospital for Incurables, Putney
Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, City Road, London. Founded 1814. 80 beds
Royal Sea-bathing infirmary, Margate, Kent. Founded 1791. 16 beds (treating consumption with sea swimming)
Rudgwick Sanatorium (for consumptives), Rudgwick, Sussex. Founded 1900. 14 beds
Rustington Convalescent Home.
Salesian Institution, Battersea, S.W.London (boys)
Salesian Institution, Dover (boys)
Salesian Institution, Margate (boys)
Salesian Institution, Mottingham (boys)
Seaside Sanatorium (for consumptives), Sandgate, Folkstone. Kent
Servants of the Sacred Heart - French Convalescent Home, Brighton
Sisters of Charity, 6 Eastbrook Place (Home for boys and girls)
Sisters of Nazareth, Bexhill on Sea (poor elderly)
Southwark Rescue Society and Workhouse Association, Westminster Bridge Road, SE London
St. Anne's Home (St. Pancras Workhouse).
St. Anne's Home for children, Herne Bay (Metropolitan Asylum Board)
St, Anne's Orphanage, Orpington (included a Poor Law School — for Children from Workhouses) – under the Sisters of Mercy
St. Elizabeth's Training Home for Servants, Midhurst (Poor Law School — for Children from Workhouses)
St. George's Boys' Home (for working boys), 5 - 17 Westminster Bridge Road
St. Joseph's Orphanage for Boys, Orpington – under the Presentation Brothers.
St. Joseph's, Littlehampton (boys)
St. Joseph's, West Grinstead (boys)
St. Marys Convalescent Home, Westbrooke, under Sisters of Mercy
St. Mary's Home for Working Girls, 64 Lambeth Road, London
St. Mary's Orphanage for boys and girls (Sisters of Mercy)
St. Mary's Orphanage for Boys, West Grinstead
St. Mary's, Eltham (for little boys and girls, scalp diseases) (Poor Law School — for Children from Workhouses)
St. Mary's, Roehampton - Orphanage for Girls
St. Philip's Orphanage for Girls, Uckfield - Sisters of Mercy.
St. Thomas's, York Road, General Lying-in
St. Vincent's Industrial School for Boys – under the Presentation Brothers. Served from St. Anselm's.
St. Vincent's Industrial School, Whitstable - for little boys. Sisters of Mercy.
Tolworth Isolation Hospital, Kingston upon Thames
Tooting Home for Aged Poor.
Tower Hill Manor Asylum
Victoria Home for Children, Margate
Walton Convalescent Home, Weybridge
Warren Farm Poor Law School, Brighton
Warspite training ship, Greenhithe
West Ham Convalescent Home, Margate
West Sussex County Asylum, Westbourne
Whitmead Hill Sanatorium (for consumptives), Tilford Surrey. Founded 1899. 20 beds
Winter Home for Consumptive Girls, St Leonards on Sea, Sussex
Woodhurst Sanatorium (for consumptives), Dorking, Surrey. Founded 1902. 16 beds
Worcester training ship, Greenhithe
Home for Convalescents (consumptives), Haner y Ffordd, Queens Park, Colwyn Bay
House of Mercy, Lamphey, St Davids, Pembrokshire
Nordrach, Pendyffryn Hall, Capelulo, Penmaemawr. Founded 1900 (Sanatorium for consumptives)
Tan y Geulan, Llanfairfechan - Home for Convalescents (consumptives)
Orphanage and Poor Law School of St. Clare at Pantasapli for girls, under the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy
Vale of Clwyd Sanatorium for consumptives, Llanbedr Hall, Ruthin, Denbigh. Founded 1901 19
Ayrshire Sanatorium for consumptives, Ashmark, Ayrshire. Founded 1905. 12 beds
Banchory Sanatorium for consumptives, Banchory, Kincardineshire. Founded 1900. 52 beds
Bellefield Sanatorium for consumptives, near Lanark, Lanarkshire. Founded 1904. 30 beds
Bridge of Weir Sanatorium for consumptives, Renfrewshire. Founded 1898. 80 beds
Caverhill Sanatorium for consumptives, Near Peebles, Peebleshire. Founded 1904. 14 beds
Children's Refuge, 48 Minto Street, Edinburgh
Children's Refuge, Bellevue, Rutherglen.
Grampian Sanatorium for consumptives, Kingussie, Inverness. Founded 1901. 20 beds
Hillside Home Consumption Sanatorium, Barnhill, Perthshire. Founded 1901. 20 beds
Home for Working Boys, 52 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh
House of Mercy for Servants out of place, and for the training of Girls of good character, Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh
Industrial School for boys Slatefield Sreet, Glasgow
Industrial School for Boys, Kenmure, Bishopriggs
Industrial School for Girls, Dalbeth, Glasgow
Industrial School for Girls, 74 Abercromby Street
Industrial School for Girls, Nazareth House, Aberdeen
Ochil Hills Sanatorium for consumptives, Milnathort, Kinrossshire. Founded 1902. 60 beds
Orphanage for Boys, Aberdeen
Orphanage for Girls, Aberdeen
Paisley Sanatorium for consumptives, Renfrewshire. Founded 1898. 80 beds
Probation Home for Boys, 22 Market Street, Glasgow
Reformatory School for Boys, Westthorn, Tollcross, Glasgow
Royal Victoria Hospital for Consumption, Craigleith, Edinburgh. Founded 1894. 102 beds (free treatment available)
Sacred Heart Home for Penitents, Liberton, Edinburgh
Sidlaw Sanatorium for consumptives, Auchterhouse, Forfarshire. Founded 1903. 40 beds
St. Anne's Convalescent Home, Musselburgh
St. Anne's Dispensary and Home for Respectable Girls, 26 George Square, Edinburgh
St. Joseph's Industrial School and Boys' Orphanage, Tranent
St. Mary's Orphanage, Smyllum, Lanark.
St. Teresa's Girls' Orphanage, 18 Morningside Road, Edinburgh
St. Vincent's Home for Destitute Children, 9 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh
Woodburn Sanatorium for consumptives, Morningside, Edinburgh. Founded 1899. 24 beds
Working Boys' Home: 11 Oak Street, Glasgow
Working Boys' Home: 21 Whitevale Street, Glasgow
Working Girls' Home, 26 Magdalen Yard Road, Dundee