Hello. I'm searching for anyone who was in The Holt in Birstall in the early/mid 60's. Myself and my two brothers, Malcolm and Robert, went in there twice. Would be nice to hear from others who were in there too. Please feel free to email me at deb_beaumont@hotmail.com Thank you.
Hi Suzanne,I was at The Grange,Coventry from 1966-67.
The People in charge then were a Mr and Mrs Woolley and they had a teen aged Son named Reuben.
i am trying to trace a female called Charmaine Pegg who attended Whitewell House Childrens home in Frome in the early 1990's.
Many thanks
I am looking for information on a John Henry Thomas who was possibly living in a home for boys in the 1940s or 1950s, it was possibly run by the church and would be in the Droitwich Spa or Wolverhampton area, this is the only information I have. Thank you

Julie Pindar
Am trying to locate an orphanage that my parental grand mother was in from 1921-1931
She was from Ringwood
Her name Joan Irene Bradford
Her mother was Mary Louise Cuttler
Many thanks
Can Alison Gray who left a comment in September 2017 re my sister Alison Cheape please leave contact details

Not from the editor: Hi Alison,can you please let me have your email address or phone number so that I can pass it on to Tony. Please email me at hello@formerchildrenshomes.org.uk Many thanks!
Can Alison Gray that commented on post about my sister Andrina Cheape please email smithcsandra@aol.com. Many Thanks
Hi I'm looking into Trowbridge House in Hackney it was an assessment centre for us kids put into care, there was three parts I was in the unit where a Mrs tunicliff was in charge, I know it's now an adult care centre but what like to find out more information from others who were there in the mid 70s.
Hi I'm looking into Trowbridge House in Hackney it was an assessment centre for us kids put into care, there was three parts I was in the unit where a Mrs tunicliff was in charge, I know it's now an adult care centre but what like to find out more information from others who were there in the mid 70s. Please contact me at jlbewley14@gmail.com
The Commonwealth Children’s Society has a children’s home in West Malvern in the 1970’s. I worked there 1974/75. Anyone out there who worked there too or were you one of the children there? I would so love to meet you again. I have lots of photos of all the children and staff
Hi I am looking for any information on a dr barnardo's children's home in Croydon surry. This would of been in the 1940s as my mum passed away last year and I know she was brought up in a child home but it all I know does anyone know if there was any in Croydon surry back then
Hi I was hoping to find anybody I was in care with during the early to mid 70s
I was in Fountains in Rainham Essex
Then in Tennyson Lodge in Harold Hill.
My dad was in a children’s home in the late 60’s in Lincoln, I’m trying to find out which home it was does anyone know any Information on children’s home In the area . Thanks
I am looking for information about a mother and baby home in Wortley, near Leeds. My birth mother was called Vera Lloyd, and I was born there in November 1954.

If anyone has knowledge they could pass on to me please email me at alanfran@waitrose.com

Many thanks
I am enquiring about a children's home in Exeter which I think was called summerlands where my mother was placed in the late 1950's???

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: There was a Council-run home children's home on Lower Summerlands, Heavitree Road, Exeter. Hope this helps.
hello can anyone give me some information on a childrens home in lower wick worcester in the 1950 s. My dad went there . His name was Colin Bench. Many thanks xx

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: There was a home in Lower Wick House, Malvern Road which was run by Worcestershire Council. I hope this help.
Trying to find out any information on hartley Road children orphanage Nottingham from 1947-1958

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: You can find Hartley Road children's home listed on this page: http://www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/1900_orphanages.html
Hi, does anyone know of any orphanages in Newcastle-upon-Tyne around early 1900's.
Please contact me at.
Many thanks

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Try having a look at this page: http://www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/1900_orphanages.html
I would like to find out about the children’s home I worked in back in the 1950s. I remember that it was in Feltham very close to London Airport (now Heathrow). I trained there as a nursery nurse and then went on to be a Staff Nurse for two years.

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Was it St Anthony's?It was run by the Daughters of St Vincent de Paul. Find out more here: www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/st_vincent_de_paul
Does anyone have any information on The Foster Home " Eagles Nest" Hampstead London in 1939 or the babies that were there?

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: This is an extract from the Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead Borough -
The Foster Home, 'Eagle's Nest, 99 Haverstock Hill
This institution which is organised and controlled by a voluntary committee, is housed in a mansion with a large garden, and is doing excellent work. During 1932, twelve babies, and a nursing mother and her baby were admitted. There are 28 beds for 'first' babies of unmarried mothers which are always occupied. On an average,about one half of the inmates come from Hampstead. The home receives a donation of £200 per annum from the Borough Council, and also a grant from the London County Council under the Local Government Act,1929.

I would try the London Met Archives to see if any further records exist - https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/london-metropolitan-archives/Pages/default.aspx
I went to Hazlebury open air school in the 70s.
I knew two brothers Danny and Julian Thomas, where are you now..
And a Brian Figg , who I used to help him with his walking!
I had a teacher Miss Blight.
There were two teachers father and son Mr Woods I think .I could be wrong..
The Head Teacher was Mrs Moscrop.
Any one knows any one I've mentioned please get in touch.

NOTE FROM EDITOR: Our directory of open air schools is here - www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/open_air_schools_directory.html
Message for Nicholas Chapman. Kimpton House is now a nursery school

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Kimpton House, Southsea, Hampshire.
I was sent to a home in Devon called Heathercombe, it was on the very top of the hill outside of Manaton I was taken there in 1971 I think, a long steep road and a hairpin bend then a short but steeper hill to the top of what were timber cottages. I would like to know if anyone remembers their time there? Back then I was a very shy redheaded boy recovering from my parents separation I guess, my older sister came with me

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: There are memories from Heathercombe Brake Convalescent home here- www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/convalescent_homes_memories.html
I was sent to a home in Devon called Heathercombe, it was on the very top of the hill outside of Manaton I was taken there in 1971 I think, a long steep road and a hairpin bend then a short but steeper hill to the top of what were timber cottages. I would like to know if anyone remembers their time there? Back then I was a very shy redheaded boy recovering from my parents separation I guess, my older sister came with me
Hi, Looking for any girls born 19/08/1960 at Beacon Lodge Mother and baby home East Finchley Middlesex.

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Beacon Lodge, Eastern Road N2 was founded in 1928 for unmarried mothers. It arranged for adoption of the babies or the support of those who wished to keep their babies. It closed n 2014. The contact details for the Beacon Lodge Charitable Trust can be found here - https://beta.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-details/?subid=0&regid=214402
Iv been searching for anyone who was at Riverside assessment centre Salisbury. And kingsmoor children's home in box near Corsham. . But my email seems to be incorrect. ...
It should read.

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Kingsmoor Children's Home, The Ley, Box, Wiltshire was run by the Council as far as I know.
The Riverside Assessment Centre is also likely to have been run by the council and have taken children in on a short-term basis before they were allocated a place in another children's home.
I was sent to a Children's convalescent home in Little Hampton I had been a patient at the Princess Louise in London I was there 6 weeks. I remember Nurse Woods she was good so was the nurse who traveled with us on the train and also Nurse Salad not her real name but none of us liked salad and she was not helpful I remember walks on the green by the sea, singing games before tea, a cake on my birthday, being homesick,being out of my depth at times being sick but too scared to tell anyone in case I was sent up to bed on my own. A mixed experience one that was good for my health but not without problems

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Our directory of convalescent homes can be found here - http://www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/convalescent_homes_directory.html
Hi Every one looking for people who were in Eastry Cottage Homes Sandwich kent in the 1955/6/7/8/9 or Remember the House Master by the name Of Lewis. Some other names the Miles brothers Freddie Miles was one we all went to sandwich Secondary modern School. Sports master name was Mr Fox
Please contact e-mail briday5@hotmail.com Like to know what happened after my brother and I left.
Went back and it was closed.

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Details of Eastry Cottage Homes can be found here- www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/eastry_cottage_homes.html
Does anyone remember Brian Day and Victor Day in Eastry Cottage homes Kent in fifties.
Would like to hear from anyone who is still alive today they would be in there seventies or early eighties, Went to sandwich secondary Modern and went to ham Church most sundies or Eastry Baptist Church , House Masters name was Mr Lewis
Hi just want to see if anyone has any information about a sprugeons children's home in birchington kent my mum and 4 siblings were put there in I believe the 70s although not sure as my mum never speaks about her experience thank you

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Spurgeon's Homes, Birchington Hall, Birchington, Kent was opened in 1951 and closed in 1979. For details about accessing records,please contact Spurgeons - https://www.spurgeons.org/about-us/access-your-records-and-old-scholars/
in reply to Kevin Robert
The ones I remember are.mertyle,Nelson,Wellington{Iwas there in the 50s}Milton Rose
There were cottages in all but I can't remember all of them

can i change my e mail address as its been blocked for some unknown reason my new one is raylester980@gmail'com thank you
Need to look for residences of penkull homes in the 70's

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Our directory of cottage homes can be found here- http://www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/cottage_homes.html
Does anyone know of any children care homes in New Brighton 19 64 please contact me at DEB-BOB@HOTMAIL.CO.UK

Children's home, Salisbury Road, New Brighton
Children's Home,Union Street,New Brighton
(These were both run by the Council as far as I know so you would need to contact the Council to access records)
St Barnabas' Home For Girls, New Brighton- although I think it moved out of the area during the Second World War. Contact the Children's Society for records.

Have a look at our page on accessing records -http://www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/accessing_records.html
Hi I am looking for information on a children's home in stonby drive New Brighton I was placed here in August 1964 and put up for adoption but my mum changed her mind just wondering how long I was there or any info about the place

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Have you tried accessing your records? Contact- Cheshire

Data Protection Officer,
Cheshire County Council
Cheshire Record Office,
Duke Street,
Chester CH1 1RL.
Tel: 01244973391
does anyone have any information on a national school in Friskney Lincolnshire
Orphaned children in 1816, where did they go?
My ancestors William & Mary HILL both died in 1816 leaving 5 sons from 2 to 12 years of age. They lived Frederick St, James by the docks. Wm was a cooper.
Been searching for 40 years but still not found where they children went for care. 3 of them popped up in the 1830s when they married & on the 1841 census, but where were they 1816-1830ish?
Any advice accepted.

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: You don't mention which area you are researching but perhaps if you contacted the local archive, they might have an idea where records are kept.
Hi I am looking for people who was in 211 Turks road Radcliffe childrens home in the 1970s also backfield childrens home Ainsworth radcliffe

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR:I understand that the children's home on Turks Road,Radcliffe,Manchester and the children's home on Ainsworth Hall Road, Ainsworth, Manchester were both run by the Council. So,if anyone is looking for their records from their time in these home, please fill out a Manchester City Council subject access form-https://secure.manchester.gov.uk/downloads/download/6082/subject_access_request_form
i went to Hornchurch, I saw the site of St Leanards.
Friends i was amazed at how so much was prevered.
There is a section called The Mall, Yes on either side of it. I saw The Cottage Homes, and The site of The Swimming Pool... But I was amazed why the names of the cottages were not saved.
Do you know the names of them.

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: We have been sent this reply - The ones I remember are.mertyle,Nelson,Wellington{Iwas there in the 50s}Milton Rose
There were cottages in all but I can't remember all of them
Hi i lived in Sunnyside Childrens Home in Scarbrough between 1957 and 1968 i just wonderd if there was anybody around who remembers me from there please get intouch i live in Rotherham now

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: I am thinking that this was Sunnyside children's Home, Stepney Road which was run by the Council from the time it was formed in 1930 until the early 1970s.
Was in Cardiff, Nazareth House from 1953 to 1958.Anyone else there then?

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Our page on Nazareth House is here- www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/nazareth_house.html It includes information about accessing your records.
My twin brother Malcolm and I were sent to the Holy Cross Convalescent School Broadstairs Kent some where between about 1947 and until about 1950, we we underweight and it was thought that we would make progress at this school.
Would love to here from anybody who was at this school during this period, perhaps we could exchange memories.
Donald Cameron

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Memories about Holy Cross can be found at http://www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/convalescent_homes_directory.html
I am responding to a post in July 2017 by Tony Cheape. I read it today, 3rd September 2019. It is about your sister who was born Andrina Mary Cheape in 1965. I may be able to assist you but how do I get in touch with you?
Hullo, I’m looking for any information on Woodfields Childrens Home in Leigh

I was there in the early 1960s

Email lordborollan@live.co.uk

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: There are some memories of Woodfields here -http://www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/your_say_2.html
I'm looking for some photos for my mother who was in three ways childrens home bristol, if anyone could point me in the right direction I would be most grateful.

Please email
Searching for records of Millicent Rothwell, my grandmother. Her father Edward Henry Rothwell was captain of ship, and married to Eleanor Louise McKenzie who died at sea giving birth to Millicent Rothwell. , on route to Quebec Canada. We believe that she was placed in orphanage until 1902. She eventually arrived and lived in Quebec Canada.
Looking forward to any information. Many thanks, Burnie

I'm looking for information for my mum, she was placed in a care home in about 1954 for while after her dad died, she was 7, she is from Paddington in London. Her younger brother was also placed in care at the same time. Her older sister and 2 other younger siblings stayed at home. She is looking for information regarding the home she was in. She knows it was in Surrey and that is was in or around Curley Hill/ Clear Springs? She remembers being taken for a walk up a hill and wandering off, apparently there were tank crossings in the area and she was told off for wandering away. Her name is Gloria Letton and she also remembers a young lad called Kenneth. She is not sure if the home was a charitable one or Council ran one. Does anyone know if there is a list of former homes or how i can find out some more information for her?
Thanks Linda livjay29@btinternet.com

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: This is a tricky one! The nearest home of note I can find is the Royal Albert Orphanage in Bagshot or the Convent of the Good Shepherd in Windlesham. But there may also have been small private homes which are hard to find. Have you tried applying for your mum's care records? Have a look at this page for infomration - http://www.formerchildrenshomes.org.uk/accessing_records.html
looking for a mother who's surname was VERNON and left a baby boy eventually called JAMES who went into an orphanage at the age of 4. trying to find out more of what happened before that age and more about the unmarried mother.
I am trying to find my brother, his name was mark Bonner, his birthday is 14th February but I am not sure of the year it would have been in the 60s and am sure he will be late 50s now. Mums name is evelyn Bonner please if anyone knows mark get in touch
Does anyone have any recollections of Woodvale childrens home west norwood or Hornchurch children home during the 50s